Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Best news I've heard all day

Well I'm in a shit-eating-grin kind of good mood today on account of the news Lesley and I got this morning. We had a meeting with the head of the United Nations High Commission for Refugees in Malawi yesterday, and some of his staff. It was a meeting to 'get to know us', to talk about what the organization does, and to see if we would 'fit' into a role.

It didn't seem to hurt our chances that everyone at the office was in business attire and I was sporting sandals, jeans, a shirt that showed off my 14 chest hairs and a 5 day beard. It turns out that because we're both so lovable, they want us. Sweeeet. What does this mean? Essentially, we're both working in a refugee camp of over 8,000, mainly Rwandans and Congolese. In all of the possible scenarios that I imagined vis-a-vis volunteer work, I could not have envisioned a better outcome. I am ridiculously excited to have the opportunity to do something that matters greatly to me.

Although we're likely going to be flying by the seat of our pants, working wherever the need for that day is, in general I will be doing case work, interacting directly with the camp residents. Tasks like investigating alleged cases of say, a Hutu harrassing a Tutsi (the two main ethnic groups in Rwanda that don't like each other very much) or seeking out people that might be eligible for scholarships in the US. Lesley will also be working in the camp, working with committees of refugees that deal with women's issues. For example HIV/AIDS education and teaching job skills. Did I mention I'm excited? I was born for this shit.

Well, we're off to sign the paperwork now, and to find a place to rent. Tomorrow, it's off to the lake for a weekend of fun in the sun; one last getaway before we get knee-deep into the chaos. Love it.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Dude!! That is awesome!! Congrats to you and Lesley!!